Sephora Savings Event Favorites

The time is here. The long awaited Sephora Savings Event has arrived! If you haven’t read my previous post, I provide you with all the details you need for what the savings event is & how to participate. In this post, I am giving you the full scoop on all the products you should keep your eye on for the sale. As a Derm PA who is skin, hair & beauty obsessed, I have tested & tried SO MANY PRODUCTS. Keep reading if you want to find out my favorite hair, skin, beauty, fragrance, & tools in the sale! 

Sephora Sale Hair Picks:

If you know me, you know I am obsessed with my hair looking shiny, thick, & voluminous. For anybody wanting the same, look no further because the Sephora Sale is coming in clutch with some top products. The hair products I use religiously are:

Sephora Sale Skincare Picks:

As a Dermatology PA, I am so fortunate to be able to test and try a ton of skincare products so I can genuinely advise the best of the best. With that, I think we can all agree that skincare can get pricey fast. If you are looking to save some money and still treat yourself to some of the best skincare products on the market, this list will be a game-changer for you:

Sephora Sale Makeup Picks:

When it comes to beauty products, Sephora has no competition. From the perfect shade of foundation to the latest & greatest highlighter, Sephora has it all. I was especially excited to see what beauty products would be included in their sale and let me say, they did not disappoint. Here is a peek at my absolutely favorites:

Sephora Sale Fragrance Picks:

Searching for a fresh, clean scent? Don’t worry, I have you covered. Here are some of the loveliest fragrances out there. Added bonus, they make a great gift for the holidays. 

Sephora Sale Devices & More:

Ready to take self-care to the next level? Here are a few of my all-time favorite tools for skin, beauty, & hair that will be the cherry on top to your beauty routine. Now is the time to pounce on these at a discounted price and hurry because they never last past the first few days!

I hope this helps give you a map to the best of the best at the Sephora Savings Event! DM if you have any questions or need me product advice! Happy Shopping!

xx Amy


7 Ways To Glow Up


The 7 Products I Will Be Getting During The Sephora Sale