Skincare For Neck, Chest, & Hands

I feel like I have touched on this subject in some of my podcast episodes and in my body care routine blog, but I realized I have never given an entire blog or episode on the topic of neck, chest and hand skincare! So what time is better than the present! We are going to go over all of the steps I do to take care of my neck, chest, and hands.

Alright, to begin, I think we have all heard the sentiment that our neck, chest and hands tend to show age first. Is it a bit of a cliche? Definitely! But is it a cliche for a reason? Also, definitely! My theory is the areas that tend to be exposed to the sun the most are our face, neck, chest, and hands. While most of us go above and beyond when it comes to facial skincare, the neck, chest, and hands often don’t get the attention they deserve (despite the fact that they get just as much sun exposure, if not more). 

Let’s go over how we can give these areas some extra TLC…

1. Extend Your Skincare Routine

I have mentioned this before, but one of the simplest ways to care for your neck, chest, and hands is to bring down any ingredients you already use on your face. Think of these areas as an extension of your face and treat them accordingly. For example, I like to bring down my cleanser, vitamin c, retinol, and moisturizer. If this (and spf) is all you do for these areas, this is amazing! Don’t feel like you need to add more steps. You can, but it’s not a must.

Pro Tip: When I slug, I use that pea sized amount of petroleum jelly on my neck and chest too! I usually need a little more for my hands. I find this to be a great way to seal in the hydration!

2. Extra Steps For Your Hands

The hands are exposed to environmental factors like sun, wind, and frequent washing, which strip the skin of its natural oils and weaken the skin barrier. Unlike other areas, the skin on the hands has fewer oil glands, making it more prone to dryness and faster aging. All of this being said, hydration is key! 

Look for hand creams that combine humectants (like glycerin and hyaluronic acid), emollients (like shea butter), and occlusives (like ceramides). If you can, apply hand cream right after washing your hands, before going to bed, and anytime your skin feels dry or tight. 

I also think it’s worth mentioning why hands get their own special moisturizer, rather than a basic body butter. Hand creams are formulated to be richer and more concentrated than body lotions. They target the unique needs of hand skin, which (as I mentioned)  tends to lose moisture quickly.

Here are some of my favorite hand creams:

3. Extra Steps For Your Neck:

When it comes to the neck, I have been wanting to take extra measures recently. Full disclosure, I just wasn’t loving how my neck was looking. So I started experimenting with Neostrata Neck Cream. Neostrata’s formula includes NeoGlucosamine, which helps target sagging skin, while promoting collagen production. It’s still a newer addition to my regimen, but I was honestly just so impressed with the science behind it and the before/after photos (to no exaggeration, there was a visible difference in texture and firmness in the before/after photos). So I am honestly really looking forward to seeing the impact it has! 

I also think it’s worth mentioning that  Revision Nectifirm is another fantastic option for targeted neck care. A little pricey, but amazing!


Sun protection is non-negotiable for the neck, chest, and hands. It doesn't matter if you are using every bougie hand cream and neck treatment out there, if you are not applying (and reapplying) spf, the other steps don’t matter. Just in case you like to go a little extra with your sun protection, like myself, here are some of my suggestions:

Here are a few of the ones I love:

  • Shade: I know this might sound excessive, but it doesn’t need to be extreme. If you have the option of eating a picnic in the shade vs the direct sun, do that! Just be extra mindful during peak sunlight hours.

Remember, prevention is always easier than correction, and these small steps make a huge difference over time.

5. In-Office Treatments

I feel like it only makes sense that the final tip is the most “extreme.” If you’re ready to take things a step further, in-office treatments can provide incredible results for the neck, chest, and hands. As always, speak with your derm provider for what makes sense for you, but here are some of the treatments that tend to be most common for these concerns:

  • Lasers: Treatments like Fraxel can address pigmentation and texture.

  • Microneedling: Stimulates collagen production for firmer skin.

  • Ultherapy: Uses ultrasound technology to lift and tighten skin.

  • Injectables: Fillers can restore volume and smooth deep wrinkles.

I hope this blog encourages you to take the extra measures to take care of your neck, chest, and hands. Remember, stick to a simple and sustainable routine. If all you can do for now is commit to making sure sunscreen is always on these areas, great! Then from there, you can build when you’re ready! Let me know if you have any questions and what you want to hear from me next!

**Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and may contain products gifted in PR. This means that I may earn a small commission when you purchase via these links at no additional cost to you (thank you! It helps me keep things up and running)… As always I ONLY recommend products, goods and services that I stand behind and personally love and use.

xx Amy


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