Your Guide To Under Eye Circles

The topic of under-eye circles is one of those topics I hear about constantly from patients and followers alike. As someone who has personally heard the comment “you look tired,” one too many times, I get it. While there's no one-size-fits-all cure (unfortunately), understanding the complexities of under-eye circles can help us to manage them as effectively as possible. In this blog, we are going to explore what really causes these shadows and how we can address them.

Understanding Under-Eye Circles

The skin beneath our eyes is distinctively thin, which ultimately means two things. For starters, it means that we need to treat that skin extra delicately. It also means that the “thinness” makes it more transparent and, coupled with the minimal fatty tissue in that area, makes any discoloration or vascular issues particularly noticeable. 

I think it’s important to understand what these shadows under the eyes are, but just as important, is understanding the MANY variables that might be causing someone’s under eye circles (this will also help you understand how to treat your particular under eye circles)! Here are a few of the main causes:

  • General Aging: As we age, the loss of collagen and elastic tissue, can lead to a hollowed appearance. This creates a shadow that exacerbates the look of dark circles.

  • Vascular Origins: As I mentioned, the thin skin under the eye area makes the structures underneath more noticeable. Many times “dark circles” can be caused by the blue/purple vessels visible from underneath. 

  • Pigmentation: we’ve all heard of “hyperpigmentation” and it can also cause or worsen under-eye circles. This hyperpigmentation can be genetic, a result of allergies or even irritating products. It can be really difficult to decipher if the darkness under your eye is hollowing or if it’s just hyperpigmentation. I did a recent video on my favorite test to do with patients to determine which it likely is!

  • Lifestyle: I know that the last 3 factors can feel a little defeating since they aren’t exactly preventable, but it’s also important to note that there are choices we make that make a difference! Factors such as sleep deprivation, poor diet, and dehydration can affect the severity of dark circles. 

Skincare Solutions

Before we get into some products and ingredients you can include, I want to emphasize that it’s important to be gentle with this area. Like I mentioned before, irritation is known to worsen hyperpigmentation so you want to be mindful here.

  • Retinoids: To nobody’s surprise, retinoids can make such a huge difference with under eye circles. This is one case where I feel eye specific formulations are often the way to go. They tend to be more gentle and less likely to irritate the delicate under eye skin. Retinoids in general promote collagen renewal and can help thicken the skin, reducing the visibility of blood vessels underneath. Retinoids also aid in pigment dispersion, lessening the intensity of dark circles over time.


  • Brightening Ingredients: This can be an eye cream with Vitamin C or simply the Vitamin C serum you are applying to the rest of the face. Vitamin C is beneficial for collagen production and also inhibits the enzyme tyrosinase, which is involved in melanin production. Using a Vitamin C regularly can brighten the under-eye area and protect against oxidative stress caused by environmental aggressors like UV radiation and pollution. I also love niacinamide for it’s evening effect like in Alpyn Beauty’s Instant Bright Eye (USE CODE Amy15 FOR 15% OFF).




  • SŌM SKIN Microneedle Patches: I’ve been testing the SŌM SKIN Microneedle Patches for about 2 months now. These patches contain microscopic needles to ensure optimal absorption, targeting rejuvenation at the cellular level (also, the “microneedles” are completely comfortable)! The patches are formulated with hyaluronic acid and conotoxin, a natural peptide sourced from cone snails. They also contain exosomes, which are tiny (yet powerful) particles derived from stem cells, helping to diminish visible signs of aging. After over a month of use, I can honestly say I have noticed a difference especially in the hollow appearance under the eye. The box typically lasts me a month and they are a little on the pricey side, but in my opinion, worth it! Also, I have a discount code to help cut the cost! Use “Skinthusiast20” for 20% off your purchase!

Lifestyle Modifications

I know we are keeping this primarily skincare focussed, but I did want to allow for a small section on some lifestyle changes you can make that can (depending on what’s causing your eye circle) also make a difference. As you’d expect, adequate sleep is huge. By getting enough sleep, you can prevent blood vessel dilation that leads to darkening. Also, as discussed in my podcast episode with Dr. Naana Boakye, diet makes a difference! Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E, and antioxidants that support skin health.

Advanced Treatments

For persistent under-eye circles, I always suggest seeing your derm provider! They will be able to better identify what might be causing your circles and individualize a plan for you. There are also cases where they might suggest treatments that have been known to help. Treatments like lasers can help resurface the skin and promote collagen production, reducing the appearance of dark circles caused by thinning skin. Chemical peels and fillers have also been shown to help improve the appearance of this area. My personal favorite is using PRP or PRFM in this area to promote collagen production.

I hope this helps as you work through under eye circles! Also, let me know if this is a topic you want me to cover in my next podcast episode. I love hearing what you guys want more of.

Hungry for more? Check out my Comprehensive Skincare Guide in the Skinthusiast Shop!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

***This post contains affiliate links.***

xx Amy


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