My Current Self Care Routine

Self-care is one of those topics that has only become more and more prevalent, especially in the health and wellness world! Personally, I have loved seeing how the concept has evolved and grown over time. In my early 20’s, I viewed self-care as brunch and getting my nails done (which absolutely still qualify). However, now as a mom and in my 30’s, I view self care as a number of different things. It can be morning affirmations, a quiet 5 minutes where I focus on the movement of my breath, or a walk with my family. I am going to provide you all with some of the self care modalities I love, in efforts to inspire you in your self-care journey. 


DAILY ROUTINE: I should start this off by saying, to me, skincare IS self care. I so deeply look forward to those quiet moments at the beginning and the end of the day, where I can indulge in my skincare routine. If you’ve seen some of my recent videos, you know that I am all about a simple and effective routine. I like to add things here and there (that I will get into) for a little extra glow, but never overlook sticking with the basics. Here are a few of the products I love to include in my morning and evening skincare routine:



LED MASK: If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you know that I love Sunday evenings. I take 10 minutes to put on my LED mask, while answering questions on Instagram Stories. I find this to be a form of self care for a few reasons. For starters, since using the LED Mask consistently, I have truly noticed a difference in my hyperpigmentation, as well as softening fine lines and wrinkles. I go back and forth between the CurrentBody Mask (you can also use code “CBAMY for 15% off) and the Dr. Dennis Gross Mask (this one has blue and red light settings. Due to my hyperpigmentation, I avoid blue light, so I only use the red light option)! After a crazy day, being forced to sit still for the 10 minutes the treatment lasts, just feels so needed. 

I also try to put a lot of boundaries with myself and my phone, so I like that I have 10 minutes to interact with the incredible Skinthusiast community. You all mean so much to me, so being able to answer your questions and interact with you all, is so special to me. I can’t say it enough, but it really fills my cup. 

MICROCURRENT TECHNOLOGY: Where I love my LED mask for a slow moment in the evening, I love to incorporate microcurrent technology in the mornings. I know what you might be thinking, how could this possibly be self-care for you? Trust me, life has been a little crazy recently (all wonderful things, but just a lot), so the opportunity to take an extra minute in the morning to give my skin some love, feels AMAZING!

I won’t get into too many details on how I use my Nuface (code “AMYKOB” saves you $$), but I actually recorded an entire podcast with Tera Peterson, the cofounder of Nuface! You can hear all the details on how to use it, the results you can expect, and why I love it. 

Mindful Practices

MEDITATION: If you listened to my morning routine podcast episode, you know that my meditation routine is really important to me. While my mediation practice shifts from being a morning or evening practice, it’s a non-negotiable for my days. I can’t express to you enough what this has done for my attitude and anxiety towards the day. I prefer guided meditations and I end up just circulating between a couple of podcasts and videos. 3 of my favorites are this gratitude meditation, this calming meditation, and this abundance meditation. It’s just a max of 15 minutes, and I can honestly say I am a better person because of it. 

AFFIRMATIONS: This one is pivotal for me. I have incorporated affirmations in my life for the last 5-7 years. To no exaggeration, it has completely changed my life. I try to have this be the first thing I say when I wake up and one of the final things before I fall asleep. And they don’t need to be complicated! Sometimes it’s as small and simple as “I am resilient, I am abundant.” I know it can feel a little uncomfortable at first, but I promise you that discomfort goes away (plus it’s just so worth it).

 If you are trying to adopt an affirmation practice (I should preface that I am not a professional in this area), what has helped me is envisioning what I want to embrace in my life. Whether it’s approaching my work with kindness and diligence or simply reminding myself to stay present and open to new experiences, then creating affirmations that stem from this. So based on these, it could be “I am kind with all beings and all acts” or “I am present.”  I also whisper affirmations into my daughter’s ear as she goes to bed. I tell her “you are strong, you are healthy, you are safe, you are vibrant, everything that you desire is already yours”.

GRATITUDE JOURNALING: Another cornerstone of my mindful routine is gratitude journaling. Similar to meditation, this practice shifts between morning and evening. Either way, I like the theme of my journaling practice to be recognizing the blessings in my life. As you’d imagine, some days are easier and some are more challenging, but if I can jot down at least 3 things in my day that I am grateful for (this can even be as simple as my family, the health of my loved ones, and a meal to nourish me), I call it a win. This practice not only encourages me to focus on the positive aspects of my day but also fosters a general attitude of appreciation and contentment. 

INTENTIONAL MOVEMENT: It’s taken me a while to find a movement routine that works for my energy and time. I think I am finally in a place where I will never force my body to move in a way it doesn’t want to, or in a way where I am punishing my body. I simply look for routines that feel good in my body. 

I try to prioritize a walk in the morning or evening post dinner. Beyond this, I typically like intentional movements during the week. 3-4 times a week, I incorporate classes like pilates, weight lifting, and yoga. I want to emphasize that this is what makes me feel good and confident! I also find that when I start my day with this, I have set such a positive cadence for the remainder of the day. 

Daily Reading 

I know this seems like another small habit, but I swear it’s the small things that have made the biggest impact on my day-to-day productivity (and mental health). Instead of scrolling or staring at a device before bed, I have adopted the practice of reading right before I fall asleep. Sometimes for just 10-15 minutes! 

While I love a ton of genres, I am most often drawn towards self motivational books! Books like A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson and The Four Agreements have not only inspired me, but they also support my other self-care practices. Approaching journaling, affirmations and just general self talk have completely changed (in the best way possible). Don’t get me wrong I still love a good novel and just finished Too Late by Colleen Hoover and The Last Mrs. Parrish, I couldn’t put them down!

I know that self care is a very personal topic, so I hope this inspires you to be curious and try something new on your self care journey! Let me know if you have any questions at all and take extra care of yourselves!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

***This post contains affiliate links.***

Xx Amy


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