My Current Workout Routine (& The Activewear I Love For it)

During my Sunday Q&A’s, I have been receiving some questions on my movement routine. So, I wanted to put together a blog on how I personally approach exercise. Before I begin, I want to emphasize that it’s taken a lot of time for me to figure out a routine that makes me feel rejuvenated, confident, and energized. I truly believe everybody’s routine should be completely individual to them, their time, and what feels good in their body and it’s OK if that changes with the seasons of life. With that, I hope this blog will inspire you to potentially try something new or at least experiment with establishing your own routine.

my routine: 

If you listened to my morning routine podcast, you’ll know that fitness has become a form of self care for me. To me, working out is a way to clear my mind and recharge (it legitimately feels therapeutic). As a mom I have tried to make a routine for myself that feels sustainable and something I can commit to. What works for me is typically walking everyday and then including a strength  or pilates focused workout 3-4 days a week.

For my morning and evening strolls, I usually walk with my daughter, Josie, and sometimes my husband tags along, too. It’s become our little ritual post breakfast and dinner. This summer, we have even started riding our bikes as a family and it’s becoming one of our favorite family activities. As you’d probably imagine, my daughter Josie loves these outdoor adventures just as much as we do, and it’s such a fantastic way to introduce her to the joys of staying active from a young age. Plus, we know that moving your body after meals helps blunt a postprandial (after meal) glucose spike and I am all about keeping my blood sugar levels as controlled as possible. It’s a common myth that only diabetics should be concerned with this, but we know that from a health, longevity and even skin standpoint it’s important to keep our glucose levels steady. Exercise is a big part of that for me. 

Now, when it comes to my more structured workouts, I incorporate a mix of sessions that I’ve found incredibly effective and enjoyable. Here are the core activities that make up my workout routine (bare in mind, some of these are Miami based studios. With that, I will provide the style of workout in case you want to find a similar studio in your area):

  • JETSET: This is a megaformer class/ Lagree method class (on a more moderate level) that I attend! If you haven’t tried the megaformer, it’s basically a resistance-based machine that challenges muscle stability and endurance. It’s tough but incredibly rewarding, and I always love the results of a low impact workout! This one is what I started post pregnancy (when I was cleared to workout) because it’s the least intense of all my workouts but I still get a good sweat!

  • SOLIDCORE: Another megaformer class but at an advanced level. This one is even more intense than JETSET and focuses on slow and controlled movements to deeply engage the core and every major muscle group. The pace and intensity of this workout ensures that I’m truly engaging with every exercise. This one will make your muscles SHAKE. I feel like a million bucks when I leave here. There was a time before Josie that I solely did this workout and I’ve never been in better shape! 

  • BUNDA: This one is a little further away from where I live, but I love to incorporate it in my routine weekly. BUNDA is all about targeted workouts that focus on the lower body—aka glutes and legs. The routines here are dynamic and involve a lot of functional movements! For half the class you are lifting weights with heavy being the goal and then half the class you’re on a stair master for low intensity, steady state cardio. This workout will literally give you a bunda (Miami talk for booty) and I like that I get cardio in for my heart health, too. If it was closer to my house I would probably make this my main workout, I love it that much! 

I usually shuffle between these based on how I am feeling and what I am craving! To keep things fresh, I also mix in some yoga and mat pilates sessions when I can. Tbh this is one of the reasons I love ClassPass, so I can explore a ton of studios and types of movement. Fortunately, ClassPass is giving an exclusive free trial (with 20 bonus credits!) only available to friends of mine (let me know if you try any studios you love). 

  • MELISSA WOOD HEALTH: For at-home workouts I love Melissa Wood Health for more low impact movement. I just did one this morning at my parent’s house in Ohio actually! If you don’t follow Melissa on socials, she’s incredible. Her energy is magnetic and you feel like you know her when you take her workout classes online! I did her workouts during pregnancy and it really kept me feeling mobile and energized even towards the end. 

Activewear I Love:

I figured this would be the perfect time to tell you all about the activewear I am absolutely obsessed with. I know it’s a bit of a cliche, but I legitimately believe finding an active set that is comfortable, cute and supportive has motivated me so much

  • Outdoor Activity Outfits: For starters, when it comes to my walks outside, sun protection is priority number one (at this point, you really can’t be surprised). Beyond wearing a tinted spf on my face and a body sunscreen, a large sun hat is an ultimate must for me! As for the rest of my outfit, with the Miami heat, I want to be in light, breathable apparel (with of course a good walking shoe)! Here are a few of my walking apparel go-to’s:

PRO TIP: if you are prone to rosacea or hyperpigmentation, cooling off after being outside is an absolute priority for me! I typically take an ice roller to my face to cool off my skin ASAP! 

  • Low Impact Outfits: I think it’s important to preface that the style of workout set I go for tends to be based on the style of workout I am choosing that day. So I am going to divide my favorites by low impact picks (less sweat wicking) to higher impact picks (more sweat wicking and better control)! I will link a few of my favorite outfit pieces below, but I do think it’s worth mentioning what I do with my hair. You probably know by now that I am all about being gentle with my hair/scalp, so I tend to loosely pull it back with a Crown Affair claw clip. I find it to be the best way to not tug at my hair, but still keep it out of way while I am working out. 

  • High Impact Outfits: These picks are definitely more focused on sweat wicking pieces that give me a little more support! I don’t know about you, but I also absolutely need these pieces to be lightweight. There is nothing more uncomfortable to me than a stuffy, thick set during a sweaty workout. Here are a few of my favorite breathable, sweat-wicking favorites:

PRO TIP: If you are doing studio or gym workouts (aka any workout away from home), you will be obsessed with the Tower28 SOS Spray. Literally the minute I get out of class, I spray it on my face and back (the areas I am most susceptible to breakouts). I swear it has saved me from so many breakouts. Let me know if you would want me to do a more detailed blog post on my pre/post workout skin & hair routine. 

I hope this gives you some inspiration for your own movement routine! Let me know  (or if you have any athletic apparel brands you are loving, send my way)!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

***This post contains affiliate links.***

Xx Amy


The Scoop On Collagen


My Current Self Care Routine