Best Steps for Rosacea: The 5 Steps To Calmer Skin

We are back with another rosacea discussion! If you've followed my previous blogs on Rosacea, you're already aware that managing this skin condition is incredibly nuanced and needs to be treated delicately and individually. Before we go into any more detail, I want to emphasize that this is NOT medical advice, but general education (if you haven’t already, please go see your Derm provider so they can create a plan specific for you). I know firsthand how tricky it is to navigate the delicate balance of understanding rosacea triggers, incorporating the right skincare products, and avoiding common irritants. While I’ve discussed the basics of Rosacea and the essential do's and don’ts in previous posts, this blog will focus on five practical steps to integrate into your daily skincare routine that generally promote calmer skin!

Step 1: Identify Your Triggers

I know I already hinted at this, but understanding your personal triggers is essential! I give a little more detail in my do’s and don’ts of rosacea blog, but this was probably the biggest game changer for me in managing flare-ups. Your triggers are going to be unique to you and your rosacea, but some common triggers include spicy foods, alcohol, sun exposure, extreme temperatures, and stress. When my rosacea first appeared, I even kept a journal to help identify specific triggers. It’s difficult (borderline impossible) to avoid all triggers 100% of the time, but you learn how to manage them! For example, extreme heat is a trigger of mine, so during Miami summers, I just know that when I come home from a walk, I need to cool off my skin with an ice roller. I also think there’s some comfort in knowing what to expect. So even if I KNOW this glass of red wine is going to make me flush, it is less upsetting when it actually happens!

Step 2: Gentle & Hydrating Skincare

You are going to notice a theme of me emphasizing that no rosacea rule is one-size-fits-all. With that, I would say a general shift towards gentle and hydrating skincare is highly recommended. It’s going to take a little time to find the specific skin products that won't exacerbate your symptoms, but you will notice such a difference when you find your holy grails AND STICK WITH THEM. This is why I also highly suggest seeing a dermatologist if you think you might have rosacea. They will be able to guide you to the skincare products that will support you best! With all of this being said, I generally suggest opting for gentle, fragrance-free cleansers that avoid “harsh” ingredients in high concentrations.I personally love using a gentle cleanser and a moisturizer rich in ingredients like ceramides, to help maintain the skin's barrier function and reduce irritation. When you are starting from an intact skin barrier, many conditions including rosacea are easier to manage.

Again, the exact products will look different from person to person, but here are a few of my favorites:

Step 3: Be Selective with Treatments/Facials

Trust me, I know facials and treatments are such a popular topic right now and don’t get me wrong, facials and treatments like peels, microneedling etc can be amazing for maintaining skin health, BUT they can do more harm than good for those with rosacea. If you are intrigued by treatments and have rosacea, I recommend working with your derm provider to find gentler options, such as light peels that use lactic or mandelic acid, which are less likely to irritate sensitive skin.

Step 4: Maintain Clean Skincare Applicators & Hands

Ok I know this one might come off obvious, but keeping everything that touches your face clean is critical, especially for those managing rosacea. Research shows that bacteria and microbes can accumulate on hands and makeup tools, potentially leading to skin irritation and exacerbation of rosacea symptoms. What does this mean? Try not to touch your face and if it’s the case that you are using your hands for skincare or makeup, wash your hands thoroughly first. As for makeup brushes, I can go on and on about the importance of keeping them clean. Read my makeup brushes blog for all the tips you need for keeping your brushes clean.

Step 5: Sun Protection, Sun Protection, Sun Protection

Sun exposure is a notorious trigger for rosacea. Protecting your skin from UV rays is essential ALWAYS, but especially when it comes to skin conditions like rosacea. This sun exposure can increase inflammation and dilate blood vessels, which are already more visible in rosacea-affected skin. Also, sun exposure can lead to a breakdown of the skin barrier, making the skin more susceptible to irritants and environmental stressors. All this being said, wearing a daily SPF is non-negotiable. I, personally, like to use sunscreens with physical blockers like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide because they offer broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays as well a tint to protect from visible light. Also, don’t forget to reapply sunscreen regularly!

I hope the last few blogs have provided you some insight and support with your rosacea journey. Still have rosacea questions? DM me any questions or topics you want me to cover!

Hungry for more? Check out my Comprehensive Skincare Guide in the Skinthusiast Shop!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

***This post contains affiliate links.***

xx Amy


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