Hyperpigmentation Triggers You Might Not Know

Hyperpigmentation can be incredibly frustrating. While most of us know that sun exposure and hormones can lead to worsening hyperpigmentation on the face and body, there are some culprits that are a bit more elusive.

Think twice about that fresh squeeze of lime in your beach cocktail. The juice of some citrus fruits, when applied topically and exposed to sunlight, can trigger phototoxic reactions leading to pigmentation. A friendly reminder to wash your hands post-juicing to avoid burns and subsequent hyperpigmentation. These marks can be incredibly difficult to treat, often sticking around for months or even years so prevention is key. 

Acne isn't just about the pimple – it's the aftermath that plays a role, too. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) occurs when blemishes (or cuts, bug bites, burns)  heal, leaving behind spots. Prevent PIH by tackling acne with spot treatments with brightening ingredients and patience. Avoid picking at all costs and ALWAYS wear sunscreen but especially over active breakouts and PIH. Just a few minutes of sun exposure will darken these areas and add time to the clock.

Feeling irritated? Prolonged redness, burning and tingling from your new favorite active is more than just uncomfortable. This irritation causes inflammation that can ultimately lead to hyperpigmentation. We most commonly see this around the mouth after irritation from say a retinoid or a peel. If this happens to you post-procedure or with your topical prescription, always go back to your provider to see if anything needs to be adjusted! And again, this all comes back to your sunscreen. If you’re protecting any areas of redness or inflammation with sunscreen and reapplication, the likelihood of developing PIH is reduced. 

Sitting in a scorching car or sweating it out in a heated fitness class can lead to heat-induced hyperpigmentation. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can exacerbate existing pigmentation issues. Embrace sun protection and cooling measures to keep your skin cool and even-toned.

Pregnancy's Impact: 

Pregnancy brings joy, but it can also lead to melasma – a form of hyperpigmentation caused by hormonal changes. The "mask of pregnancy" can appear on the face due to increased estrogen levels. Sun protection and consulting a dermatologist become essential during this time.

Here are a few of my FAVORITE products for Hyperpigmentation:

Unmasking hyperpigmentation's stealthy triggers empowers you to take control of your skin's canvas. From screen time to citrus indulgence, stress, unexpected fragrances, and even pregnancy, these undercover culprits play their roles. By staying informed and adapting your skincare routine, you're one step closer to achieving that radiant and even complexion. Dive deeper into the world of hyperpigmentation triggers by clicking the link and discover how to let your skin shine through with confidence.

Make sure to follow along on Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok & My Newsletter for skin tips, beauty advice & more! Looking for more? Check out my in depth Skincare Guide here where you’ll learn exactly how to create a full skincare routine from scratch!

**Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links and may contain products gifted in PR. This means that I may earn a small commission when you purchase via these links at no additional cost to you (thank you! It helps me keep things up and running)… As always I ONLY recommend products, goods and services that I stand behind and personally love and use.

xx Amy


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