Adapting Your Skincare For Warmer Months

It’s official, Spring has entered the picture. The days are longer and the sun is warmer. As we transition out of the cold, dry months, one can’t help but wonder how this shift can impact our skin? I think it’s important to start off by saying that I am a big advocate of shifting skincare for each season. For example, I have dry skin year round. With that, I know that my dry skin will be at its most extreme during winter (due to the cold air outside and heated indoors creating a low-humidity environment that can strip moisture from skin). Whereas in spring/summer, I don’t need quite as thick and creamy of products. All of this to be said, I am going to give some of the top tips for adjusting your skincare for warmer months. 

Emphasis On Sun Protection

Let’s start with arguably the most obvious, doubling down on the sun protection. This is 1000% not me saying sun protection isn’t necessary during Winter! It is saying you will probably have to take things up a notch. In spring/summer, the earth tilts closer to the sun, increasing the intensity of ultraviolet (UV) radiation significantly. Beyond this, it’s nicer outside so you are more likely to actually be outside

So what does this increase in sun protection look like? For starters, make sure you are starting the day with the proper amount of sunscreen (this is something you should do year round, but I think it’s worth stating). Everybody should be applying about a ¼ to half a teaspoon of sunscreen to adequately cover the face and neck. This amount ensures that you get the full SPF protection advertised on the product's label. It's important to apply it evenly and thoroughly to all exposed areas (don’t forget spots like the ears and the back of the neck). I should also preface that I am specifically talking about facial skincare adjustments, but please make sure you are applying adequate sunscreen to any exposed regions of the body too! 

Now this is where the real adjustment to your routine will occur, make sure to be reapplying your sunscreen throughout the day. The general rule of thumb is to reapply sunscreen every two hours, or immediately after swimming or sweating. For those of you who are reapplying spf over makeup, I have collected some tips and my favorite sunscreens here. Beyond just a tinted sunscreen, I highly encourage incorporating products like a sun visor for walks and an SPF lip balm. Quite frankly, because I am extra when it comes to SPF, I am constantly looking for makeup with SPF in it, just for the added protection (let me know if you want me to do a blog on my favorite makeup products with SPF in it)!

Integrate Antioxidants

You are probably catching the theme that most of the shifts you will notice will be for the sake of UV protections. Therefore, most of the changes you will make will likely be in your morning routine! Keeping with that theme, I highly encourage incorporating antioxidants into your routine daily. As you might have already read in my skin care combos blog, antioxidants (like Vitamin C) and SPF are basically skincare BFFs. Vitamin C is particularly effective not only in safeguarding the skin from oxidative damage but also in brightening the complexion and promoting a more even skin tone. Regular application of a Vitamin C serum, especially in the morning before sunscreen, can significantly amplify your skin’s protective barrier against environmental aggressors. All this to be said, if you tend to fluctuate which serums you use, I highly recommend leaning towards antioxidants during warmer months. 

Moisturizer Swap

While I am all about a bit of a heavier, richer moisturizer for the chillier seasons, summer demands a switch to lightweight, breathable formulations. Higher temperatures can stimulate the skin to produce more oils, making dense creams less ideal as they can clog pores and promote breakouts (this is especially the case if you have oily to acne prone skin, but even as someone on the drier side, I prefer a lighter formula). Opting for gel-based or water cream moisturizers can help maintain clear, hydrated, and glowing skin without feeling heavy. These should contain key hydrating ingredients such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and ceramides to effectively hydrate while feeling light on the skin. 

Lifestyle Shifts

I will keep this section relatively brief, but I do think it’s worth acknowledging that there are certain lifestyle adjustments that I highly suggest during these warmer months (that will likely impact your skin). If you listened to my podcast episode with Naana Boakye, you know how much diet and exercise can play a part in your skin health. Integrating a diet rich in antioxidants is crucial; consuming fruits like berries (I want to especially highlight berries, since they are less likely to spike blood sugar levels), oranges, and kiwis, along with vegetables such as spinach and bell peppers, can help mitigate the oxidative stress caused by increased sun exposure. Engaging in regular physical activities not only boosts circulation but also enhances your skin's vitality (make sure you are wearing your SPF though). Finally, I know we can’t always make this happen based on our work, families, and day to day routines, but best you can, limit direct sun exposure during peak hours, typically from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., when the sun's rays are at their strongest.  

I hope this helps you as you adapt your skin for Spring and Summer! Remember, it doesn’t need to be a massive 180, but small shifts to support your skin for the season change. 

Hungry for more? Check out my Comprehensive Skincare Guide in the Skinthusiast Shop!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

***This post contains affiliate links.***

xx Amy


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