My Current Nighttime Routine (For Skin & Hair)

With Fall just around the corner, I wanted to use this opportunity to provide my current PM routine. No matter how busy I get, I am pretty committed to a ritualistic AM and PM routine. As much of a cliche as it might be, I truly believe how you start and end your day sets the cadence for the rest of your day. 

I also want to mention that my routine has evolved and changed over time. So if you are just starting to experiment with the idea of building an AM and PM routine, start small! It can be as simple as reading 5 pages of a book and applying hand lotion before bed. Any steps that will make you feel your best day-to-day. Now with all of that being said, here is a peek at my current PM routine.


I am one where the second I get home, I want to rinse off. I honestly find this as the best way to transition from my workday. It clears my head and helps me literally wash off any stress or pressure from the day. I also find that I don’t have a lot of quiet time during the day, so it’s a nice opportunity for me to be in silence. As for products, I will typically use Naturium or Necessaire’s body wash! Post shower, I will typically apply either a tanning lotion or body butter all over. If you saw my recent tiktok, you know that I am literally obsessed with Josie Maran’s body butter and Lux Unfiltered tanning lotion. I have tried my fair share of body butters and tanning lotions, but I find myself always reaching for these!


 Post shower and moisturize, we aim for a pretty early dinner, around 5 or 5:30. If you have listened to my recent podcast episode with Lily Nichols, you will know that my family is really trying to take nutrition and blood sugar regulation more seriously. We try to be pretty intentional with our meals, especially making sure to have a proper amount of protein. Side note: I had an episode with Maria Marlowe, who talked all about the importance of the order of food you eat. Your blood sugar spike can be different if you take a bite of chicken first or potatoes. It was honestly fascinating!  Back to dinner, the goal is blood sugar regulating and, of course, tasty. 


After dinner and cleaning up, my husband, Jim, my daughter, Josie, and I love to go for an evening walk after we eat (another tactic for regulating blood sugar). It's also just a perfect opportunity for us to have family time and unplug after a long day. Once we get back it's bathtime and bedtime for Josie. If you read my self care routine blog, you know that affirmations are super important and impactful in my life, so I love to whisper " you are strong, you are healthy, you are safe, you are vibrant, everything that you desire is already yours” in her ear as she falls asleep. 


As soon as Josie is down, I will be craving my skin-friendly dessert. Here’s a video of how I make it, but it's usually a concoction of full fat greek yogurt, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, berries and chocolate chips. I started eating it during pregnancy to satisfy my sweet tooth without the blood sugar spike, and I don’t think I have gone a day without eating it since. I should also note that I notice such a difference in my skin when I keep in mind my blood sugar levels! 


Before I start my PM skincare routine, I will always brush my teeth first. Ingredients in toothpaste can cause breakouts around the mouth, so if you struggle with acne or irritation, brushing your teeth first could make a massive difference! 

As for skincare, since we are in Fall now, I am usually going for a routine that combats my dry skin with the colder months. I love to start with something easy and effective, like micellar water. From there, I have literally been obsessed with Skinfix Ceramide + Ectoin Hydrating Gentle Gel Cleanser recently. I love getting ceramides any chance I can get, as they are essential for helping restore and reinforce the skin's barrier, preventing moisture loss and protecting against environmental aggressors. Now that I am fully cleansed, I will go in with my LED mask (use code AMYK10 for a discount)!  I use this time that I have the LED mask on to go through social media and catch up with you all. As you probably know, this is how the Sunday Q&A started! When I am finished with my LED mask, I like to use a serum to tackle some of that post-summer hyperpigmentation. I just started using La Roche Posay MelaB Serum. I have heard some really wonderful results from it, so I am excited to see what a couple months of consistent use will do (stay tuned for a thorough review). From there, I will go in with my new favorite moisturizer from Alpyn (use code Amy15) (although I might shift to Skinfix’s moisturizer or Zerafite’s moisturizer when Miami finally gets colder as these two are heavier). If you are pretty dry, like myself, I will layer everything with an oil like Josie Maran’s Argan Oil. It’s honestly the perfect finisher for colder months! When applying my oil, I love to incorporate some facial massage. It’s something I am trying to add more into my day-to-day, but I am happy to do a little video tutorial on it, if you are interested! Final skincare step I take is applying a petroleum jelly to my lips!


When it comes to my hair, I keep it pretty simple at night. I typically spray a little Maya Chia scalp treatment to my hair line (where I notice my hair getting a little thinner). I like to follow it with a little scalp massage just to stimulate hair growth (& because it feels SO good). I will either loosely clip it up with a Crown Affair clip or I will put my hair in my SLIP turban. This tactic has helped me so much with preventing hair breakage overnight (it also keeps my curls in tact). I also swear by a satin or silk pillowcase. 


Typically, the final thing I do before crawling into bed is applying my mouth tape. If I am feeling a little extra, I will spray an essential oil mist on my pillow or a little magnesium on my feet. If I haven’t meditated that day, I will use this time to listen to a meditation before falling asleep (my current favorite is  linked here). If I was able to meditate that day, I will typically read a couple of chapters of a book before falling asleep. I love a ton of genres, but I have been most drawn to motivational books recently. A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson and The Four Agreements are two of my all-time favorites.

I hope this encourages you to explore the routines you set for yourself! I am such a big believer in finding rhythms that support your mental, physical and emotional health. Remember, even two small simple steps at the beginning or end of your day can make you feel so much better! If you want me to write a blog on my morning routine for Fall, let me know!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

***This post contains affiliate links.***

Xx Amy


Transforming My Skin, Hair and Self Before January


The Scoop On Collagen