The Scoop On Collagen

Ok I am going to be super honest with you guys, for years, I resisted the trend of ingesting oral collagen. I even wrote an entire blog on debunking the hype around collagen! What was missing for me was I needed more than anecdotal evidence to encourage me to buy a $50 powder. However, the turning point came when a meta-analysis caught my attention–finally some compelling data on collagen’s effects on skin and hair health. If you know me, you know that I am a staunch advocate of preventative measures in beauty (you know my obsession for LED masks and microcurrent therapies!). So with this newfound evidence on the benefits of collagen, the concept of drinking my skincare suddenly seemed appealing. Here’s a little more detail into what changed my mind:

Collagen Breakdown 

Before we discuss this topic more, I think it’s important to cover the basics of collagen. Our bodies naturally produce several types of collagen, with Types I, II, and III (being the most predominant). Each type of collagen serves different functions:

  • Type I Collagen: This is the most abundant type in our bodies, crucial for our skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones. It plays a critical role in wound healing due to its fine fiber formation, which provides high tensile strength to the skin and tissues. 

  • Type II Collagen: Primarily found in cartilage, this type helps cushion the joints and is vital for joint health and function.

  • Type III Collagen: Often found alongside Type I, it supports the structure of muscles, organs, and arteries, but the data on supplementation is less robust compared to Type I.

Now that we've covered the primary types, it’s essential to understand the significance of hydrolyzed collagen, which is predominantly derived from Type I. The hydrolysis process breaks down the collagen's large protein molecules into smaller peptides. This transformation significantly enhances the collagen's bioavailability, allowing our bodies to absorb and utilize it more effectively than its non-hydrolyzed counterparts.

Alright, now that we have covered some of the science to what’s happening, I will get to the conclusion of this recent analysis. The conclusion stated that essentially by consuming hydrolyzed collagen it can prompt the skin to bolster its own collagen production. As we age, our natural collagen production declines, but regular supplementation can potentially improve skin moisture levels and elasticity, thus contributing to a healthier, more youthful appearance.

My Experience With Collagen

Incorporating hydrolyzed collagen into my daily routine, I was curious—and still a bit skeptical. I’ve started to stir a scoop into my coffee or smoothie. I am trying to be as consistent as possible to see if there are any noticeable benefits from it. It’s still early days, but I promise to keep you all updated! I think my challenge often with these types of treatments is 2 fold: 1. At 33, I’m still relatively young and so it’s sometimes hard to see on a first hand basis how impactful some of these treatments are to my skin and 2. I already do ALL THE THINGS proven to increase and protect collagen (sunscreen, retinoids, Vitamin C, avoiding smoking and alcohol, eating an antioxidant rich diet, exercise, LED therapy, etc). This is a HUGE reason why data is so important to me. I want to know that if I’m spending my money on something, there is true evidence that it IS helping my skin in the long term even if I can’t appreciate the difference RIGHT NOW. I want to know that I’ll be better off in 10, 20, 30 years for having done it. 

I want to finish this off by saying that the type of collagen you use is absolutely essential! Like any other product or supplement, they are not created equal.

Here is a line up of my two favorites:

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with collagen! Also, if you like topics like these, let me know what wellness trend you want me to cover next!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

***This post contains affiliate links.***

Xx Amy


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