Transforming My Skin, Hair and Self Before January

With fall settling in, I like to use this time to see how I can prepare my body and mind for the new year ahead, aka the “Winter Arc.” This concept, which you may have seen trending on TikTok in the fitness world, is all about taking inventory of your current state and making thoughtful changes now (instead of waiting until January 1st). I personally find this to be the best way to make sustainable changes that stick and actually work for me. In this blog, I am going to give my suggestions on how you can take inventory of your hair, skin, and wellness this fall and winter to set yourself up for the year to come.

Hair Detox

I feel like I should start this off by saying I have way more steps and products that I use for my hair, than my skin! I find that your hair deserves just as much attention as your skin, especially if you use heat styling tools, color treatments, or other chemical processes. 

My first suggestion is to always start by introducing a good scalp detox routine. Scalp care has been one of those trending topics that really deserves the hype it’s getting. A gentle scalp scrub, like this one from Briogeo or a clarifying shampoo (that’s specific for your hair type) can work wonders to remove product buildup and promote healthier hair. I use a scrub probably once a week and a gentle clarifying shampoo from K18 pretty much every time I wash my hair. My hair has literally never felt or looked better!

 For those who frequently use heat or color, incorporating bond builders and peptide treatments can help repair damage too (I talk a lot about including the K18 peptide treatment in a blog and video of mine. If you haven’t heard me rave about it, now is the time). 

Pro Tip: switching to continuous air hair tools, like Dyson products, has made a major difference in my hair health. It’s definitely a splurge but my hair has never looked better. There was also a study that came out recently explaining how blow drying is actualy better for your hair than air drying!

Protective Hair Care Practices

Protecting your hair from environmental stressors is essential in the colder months. Think silk pillowcases, gentle brushing, and avoiding tight hairstyles that could cause breakage or thinning. I could honestly do a whole separate blog on this, but start with small changes like switching to silk hair ties and sleeping on a silk pillowcase. This can reduce friction and prevent damage over time.

Simplified Skincare Routine

If you follow me on Instagram or TikTok, you have likely heard me explain why a simple and effective skin routine is all you need. Social media has made us all question if anything under a 10 step skincare routine is ok, and let me tell you, it’s likely doing more harm than good (for your wallet and skin). Let it be simple, intentional, and something you do every single day. 

In my opinion, fall and winter are the perfect times for a skincare reset. Take a step back and evaluate your current routine. Are you overloading on products? Are you experiencing breakouts or irritation? If so, simplify. Aim for a 3 to 5-step AM routine that includes a gentle cleanser, a vitamin C serum (if your skin tolerates it), a rich moisturizer, and a reliable sunscreen. For PM, start with a double cleanse at night to remove all makeup and sunscreen, moisturizer, and incorporate a retinoid or treatment serum as needed.

Transitioning Your Moisturizers

One of the most common skincare oversights during this seasonal change is failing to update your moisturizer. Obviously every skin type is different, but I highly encourage you to take note of where your hair is at right now with the change of seasons. Is it a little tighter? It might be your opportunity to transition to a little richer and more hydrating formulas. While I LOVE my moisturizer from Alpyn during the summer, I tend to opt for my moisturizer from Zerafite or Skinfix during colder months. 

Here are a few of my favorites over the colder months:

Using Nutrafol for Hair Support

If you’re looking for an inside-out approach to hair health, consider adding a nutraceutical like Nutrafol to your routine. It’s designed to support hair growth and strength by addressing factors like stress, hormones, and nutritional deficiencies. I have used Nutrafol consistently for five years and have noticed significant benefits. I typically use their Womens supplement, but they had a postpartum one that I also love. Use this link for $50 off your first purchase!

The Oura Ring 

While I love this time to check in with my hair and skin, where I honestly put most of my attention towards is how I feel. The Oura Ring is one of my favorite tools for tracking sleep and activity. It provides incredibly detailed insights into your sleep quality, heart rate variability, activity levels etc. I honestly just like having a tool that keeps me accountable. Pro Tip: Even if you don’t have an Oura Ring, tracking your sleep through simple logs can reveal patterns that may be affecting your energy levels.

Food Journals & Continuous Glucose Monitors

You might have heard one of my recent podcasts on diet and CGM’s, but for me, understanding how my diet impacts my energy and skin health has been the best shift. I am experimenting with using a continuous glucose monitor temporarily (I’m using Levels). It has helped me identify foods that left me feeling sluggish or triggered energy crashes (tbh some of the foods, like my favorite gomacro bars caught me by surprise). While not everyone needs a CGM, a basic food journal can be helpful. Write down your meals and note how you feel a few hours later to start seeing patterns.

Daily Activity

Sometimes I think we can get lost on the idea that we have to work out hard constantly to see/feel changes. Let’s be real though, not all of our schedules allow the time for long workouts. The best step I’ve made is making small changes like post-dinner walks or finding creative ways to incorporate movement during the day. This could mean more stroller walks with your little one, using the stairs at work, investing in a walking pad, etc. Find the activities that bring a little more movement in your day and boost your overall mood.

Mindset Shifts for a Better You

I want to finish the blog with an emphasis on creating a positive mental space for overall wellness. My go-to for cultivating positivity is rereading “The Secret” and using tools like “The Five Minute Journal” for daily gratitude. These practices have helped immensely in reframing thoughts and encouraging a mindset shift.

I can’t wait to hear about the changes you choose to make! Remember, start small. By implementing small changes now, you’ll already be seeing and feeling the benefits by the time January 1st rolls around. 

Looking for more detail? Listen to my recent podcast on The Winter Arc here!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

***This post contains affiliate links.***

Xx Amy


How I Plan/ Vision Board For The New Year


My Current Nighttime Routine (For Skin & Hair)