3 Skin Care Steps To Take Before A Flight

Is there anybody else who is over the 15 step in-flight skin routine, but still wants to make sure your skin doesn’t shrivel up while traveling? Same. I am here to simplify your routine before flying to make it a more streamlined and effective approach. As a Derm PA (who has been on a plane quite a lot), I will cover my essential steps to keeping my skin hydrated throughout the entire flight, as well as any and other skin travel tips you may need! 

Why Our Skin Needs Extra Attention Before Flying: 

We’ve all felt how dry our skin is after a flight, but I think it’s incredibly important to know why it does this. Airplane cabins, with their low humidity levels and recycled air, can significantly dehydrate the skin. This environment leads to moisture loss, leaving the skin dry, flaky, and more susceptible to irritation (aka no thank you). Whether or not you are a naturally dry skin type, prepping your skin’s hydration properly is crucial!

3 Essential Steps To Keeping Your Skin Hydrated: 

  1. Humectants: A hydrating serum, like Summer Fridays Dream Oasis Deep Hydration Serum, is a must! This one contains both humectants and emollients that hydrate and plump the skin, giving it a dewy glow. They are basically a power duo, because humectants draw moisture into the skin, while emollients prevent moisture loss.

  2. Moisturizer with Ceramides: Ceramides are going to be one of your skin’s holy grails when flying! They are integral for skin barrier health, while helping retain moisture and protect against environmental aggressors. A moisturizer with a ceramide complex, such as The Inkey List Bio-Active Ceramide Moisturizer, is a must for me. If you are struggling to find the right moisturizer for you, you can also read my blog on moisturizers for every skin type

  3. SPF Protection: I think there can be the misconception that because you are inside a plane (or that you are traveling in cold temperatures), that we aren’t being exposed to radiation. Don’t make this mistake! UV exposure increases significantly during flights. While airplane windows block UVB rays, UVA rays can still penetrate, increasing the risk of skin aging and cancer. This highlights the importance of sunscreen, even when you’re seated away from the window. Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen, like Isdin Tinted Sunscreen, is vital for protecting your skin from harmful UV rays!  I have said it before and I will say it again, without SPF, all of your other skincare is pointless. 

My Complete Pre-Flight Skincare Routine

Like I mentioned before, I like to really focus on my routine before flying. This doesn’t need to be complicated though! Including the 3 steps I mentioned previously, here is a general idea of what your skin routine will look like (if you are more of a visual person, you can also watch my routine here):

  1. Cleanse (I use a moisturizing cleanser to avoid stripping the skin)

2. Hydrating Serum

3. Ceramide-Rich Moisturizer

4. SPF

5. Lip SPF (don’t forget the lips! Take a peek at my blog on lip care essentials).

Side note: If you feel comfortable, try to skip the makeup routine before flying. Makeup, combined with the harsh conditions of flying, can make it harder for your skin to maintain a healthy balance. The stress of travel can cause makeup to clog your pores more easily, leading to potential skin irritation or breakouts (if you do happen to land with a pimple or two, don’t stress! Read my blog on how to treat a pimple).

Other Tips for Maintaining Skin Health During Travel

First and foremost, if you are nailing your pre-flight skin routine, you are already killing it! With that, here are a few extra steps to be assured your skin will be glowing while you travel: 

  • This one might come as an obvious, but stay hydrated internally too! Make sure to drink plenty of water before and during your flight (thank goodness they have water refill stations at the airports now. The $10 airport water bottles are no joke)! 

  • Prior to flying, steer clear of overly salty foods that can cause water retention and facial puffiness. 

  • You probably saw this one coming, but if you can, reduce alcohol consumption before and during flying. Alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration and puffiness, especially if you are rushing to an event right when you land! 

Post-Flight Skincare

After landing, it's crucial to cleanse your skin to remove any built-up microbes. Opt for a gentle cleanser. I also know a hot shower can be tempting, but they can dehydrate the skin. Instead, use lukewarm water and apply a rich moisturizer with hydrating ingredients. If you want a little more depth on my post-flight routine, comment below or DM me, and I will be sure to do a blog on it! Also, if you are trying to figure out what skincare to prioritize packing, here is a look at what I usually bring with me.

 I hope these simple steps keep you hydrated and glowy during all future travels! You can also watch my video on the 3 steps for hydrating your skin, for a little more detail. As always, DM me any and all questions!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical device. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

xx Amy


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