Postpartum Skincare

After recently writing my Pregnancy Skincare blog, the main feedback I've received centers around how this translates to Postpartum Skincare: Are the suggestions the same, are the restrictions identical, how will my skin react, etc. Trust me, I get it. It can feel like after 9 months of so many changes and uncertainties, you're faced with a new chapter brimming with equally as many shifts and questions. My main goal is to help guide you through skincare during your postpartum journey, so there's one less question mark you have to face.

Full disclosure: many of the skin changes you noticed during pregnancy may continue into the postpartum period. However, it's crucial to remember that everyone's experience is uniquely their own, so these changes aren't a given for everyone. With that, I think being informed about potential postpartum skin developments is essential (I also know that for me, being aware that these changes were common, made me feel a little less alone). Here are a few skin shifts you might notice (again, some of which you probably already started to notice in pregnancy):

  • Hormonal Fluctuations: Let’s be real, starting from the moment you're pregnant, the hormonal changes are unreal. During postpartum, the significant hormonal adjustment your body undergoes can result in various skin changes, including enhanced sensitivity and unexpected bouts of acne.

  • Stretch Marks & Skin Elasticity: I mentioned this in my pregnancy blog as well, but I do want to emphasize that everyone’s opinions towards stretch marks are completely different and completely valid. Again, I think it’s just nice to know what to expect! For anybody not already familiar with these terms, your skin has spent the last nine months stretching to accommodate your growing baby. As a result, visible lines that represent this stretching are likely to remain post-pregnancy.

  • Hyperpigmentation: You have probably heard me mention hyperpigmentation before (aka a nemesis of mine). While this does spike during pregnancy (typically), it also  might persist a little longer than anticipated. The reasons for this include that even after delivery, your body goes through a period of hormonal adjustments as it returns to its pre-pregnancy state. Not to mention, the increased melanin production triggered during pregnancy by hormonal changes may not immediately cease after childbirth. If you’re in this boat and feeling distressed, I am here for you! It will get better and we will go over some of the things you can do right now to help. 

    Dryness & Itchiness: Postpartum, your skin's increased need for moisture is significantly influenced by hormonal changes that occur as your body recovers. These hormonal fluctuations can affect your skin's ability to retain water, leading to dehydration and a feeling of almost tightness or flakiness. Additionally, if you're breastfeeding, your body's hydration needs increase to support milk production, which can further deplete your skin's natural moisture levels, emphasizing the need for extra hydration to maintain its health and elasticity.

  • Hair Changes: TBH I know this isn’t necessarily under the “skin department,” but I thought it might be mentioning that your hair might also undergo changes, from increased shedding to alterations in texture (DM me if you would like me to do a separate blog on postpartum haircare).

Ingredients To Avoid (Breastfeeding vs. Not Breastfeeding):

I want to start this off by saying that I will split this into two paragraphs: the first directed towards mommas breastfeeding, the second directed towards mommas not breastfeeding!

Ok I am going to be honest, if you are breastfeeding, the skincare ingredients you avoid will be pretty similar to those of pregnancy. You might be wondering, why is this the case? Essentially, there is limited research on how these ingredients impact fetuses and infants. Due to this, whether you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, there are certain skincare ingredients you should continue to approach with caution to ensure both your health and your baby's (truly out of an abundance of caution). I won’t go into too much detail over each ingredient (since I covered them thoroughly in the pregnancy blog), but generally, I would suggest avoiding things like Retinoids, Hydroquinone, and Chemical Sunscreens (if you are breastfeeding). While it’s generally safe to reintroduce them post-breastfeeding, I always suggest consulting with a dermatologist to determine the most suitable time to reintroduce them back into your skincare routine.

For those not breastfeeding, the path to reintroducing these active ingredients may be less constrained, but it's still important to proceed with caution. Your skin has undergone significant changes over the last nine months, and its sensitivity levels may have shifted. Start slowly, reintroducing one product at a time, and monitor your skin's response. This careful approach allows you to effectively gauge what works best for your postpartum skin without overwhelming it. Regardless of your breastfeeding status, prioritizing safety and a gradual reintroduction of active ingredients will help you navigate postpartum skincare.

Specifically for reintroducing actives, start by patch testing to gauge your skin's reaction, especially after a break from these products. Gradually incorporate them back into your routine at lower concentrations and frequencies, attentively listening to your skin's feedback. Here are a few of my favorite lower concentration retinoids (a general practice that’s a little bit more gentle when it comes to retinoids is applying moisturizer FIRST, then apply your retinoid).

Skincare Recommendations During Postpartum

Now, let’s discuss some of the skincare your skin will love during this time! Regardless of whether you choose to breastfeed, your skin requires attentive care to navigate the postpartum period. 

  • Hydration: For starters, hydration is key! I actively look for cleansers, serums, and moisturizers that are rich in ingredients like hyaluronic acid, squalane, lactic acid, and ceramides. 

  • Non-Stripping Cleanser: Like I mentioned before, the postpartum period can also make your skin more sensitive and reactive. Choose gentle, non-stripping cleansers that maintain your skin's natural pH balance and support its barrier function. Look for cleansers with ingredients like ceramides and lipids that reinforce the skin's barrier, protecting against irritants and environmental stressors (this will also help with your skin’s hydration).

  • Antioxidant Protection: Vitamin C was a hero for me during pregnancy and post-partum. Incorporating antioxidants like Vitamin C not only brighten the complexion but also contribute to collagen synthesis, helping to reduce the appearance of postpartum skin concerns like dullness and uneven texture.

  • SPF: I wish I could underline, bold, and add 15 exclamation points to this one. Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily is crucial. It protects against UV rays that can exacerbate postpartum hyperpigmentation and melasma. Opt for mineral sunscreens with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which are gentle on sensitive skin and offer physical protection without the risk of irritation.

  • Belly Balm: I want to start off by saying that if you are looking to soften stretch marks, it’s important to understand that stretch marks are essentially scars that form beneath the skin. Therefore, I want to manage expectations when it comes to over-the-counter treatments. Lotions, balms, and creams may not entirely eliminate stretch marks, but they can offer benefits that support skin elasticity and strength. These products can moisturize the skin deeply, making it more supple, and in some cases, help in subtly fading the appearance of stretch marks. However, not all stretch mark remedies are created equal. The effectiveness of these products can vary widely, which is why seeking recommendations from dermatologists and skin care professionals is crucial. With that, incorporating these specially formulated balms, lotions, and creams into your postpartum skincare routine can be a comforting practice, offering a moment of self-care while gently tending to the changes your body has experienced. While professional in-office treatments may offer more dramatic results, these at-home remedies provide a nurturing way to support your skin's recovery and resilience during the postpartum period.

In-Office Treatments with Professional Guidance

I know this won’t resonate with everyone, but I do think it’s worth mentioning. IF you are looking to do in-office treatments, once you feel ready and have finished breastfeeding (if applicable), consult with a dermatologist. From chemical peels to laser therapy to when you can get botox again, a professional can guide you towards treatments that are safe and effective for your postpartum skin recovery.

I want to end this blog by saying that it’s crucial to remember that every mom's postpartum journey is unique, and so is her skin. These tips are meant to serve as a starting point for you to explore what works best for your skin during this time. Best you can, prioritize self-care and patience, allowing your skin the time it needs to adjust. If it would be supportive to you, I am happy to do a sample AM & PM Skin Routine for you (let me know if you would like to see it next)!

If you have any other pregnancy skin or hair questions, comment them down below or DM me! I am more than happy to write a blog on the topic! 

Hungry for more? Check out my Comprehensive Skincare Guide in the Skinthusiast Shop!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

***This post contains affiliate links.

xx Amy


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