Post Workout Skin Care Tips

If you read my current workout routine blog, you will know that exercise has become a form of self care for me. It may sound a little cliche, but it keeps my mind and mood stable and clear! I should also preface that regular exercise can do wonders for your skin by improving blood circulation, which enhances oxygen and nutrient delivery to the skin. However, it is important to note that without proper post-workout skincare, the benefits can be compromised by issues like breakouts and irritation. So I wanted to put together some of my post-workout skincare tips. If you are one who has incorporated movement into their life (or plans to in the future), these tips are for you!

Immediate Actions Post-Workout

  • Cooling 

 I am not one to do a heated workout, not because I don’t love them, but because I don’t love what they do to my skin. If you have heard me talk about my rosacea, you know that excess heat is a big trigger for my flare ups (it’s also a trigger for my hyperpigmentation, so a bit of a lose/lose). With this being said, I live in Miami so basically any outdoor exercise feels like a heated workout. So if you are one to be exercising in any form of a heated environment (especially if you have rosacea, melasma, etc.), your first goal should be to gently cool off your skin. My personal favorite is using my ice roller (pro tip: your skin reacts better to the ice roller in the fridge vs the freezer). If you don’t have an ice roller, a cool wash cloth will absolutely work!

If you’re breakout prone, after a workout, your skin may need some attention to prevent sweat, bacteria, and dead skin cells from clogging your pores. If you aren’t able to wash your face as soon as you are finished with your workout (like when attending a class that you drove to), I absolutely swear by the Tower 28 Beauty SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray. I typically spray my face and back generously (these are the spots I am most susceptible to acne). The main ingredient within it is Hypochlorous Acid, which is known for its soothing and antibacterial properties, making it perfect for preventing post-workout breakouts.

If you are working out at home and are able to finish your workout and cleanse immediately, then feel free to skip this step!

Follow-Up Actions Post Workout 

  • Thorough Cleansing:

This is probably obvious, but I of course had to mention it. Because I think the post workout cleanse for the face AND body are equally important, I will do two sections: face and body

FACE: Depending on the intensity of sweat, I will likely go in with an active cleanser (the alternative to this is just using water or a gentle cleanser, and then coming in with a peel pad). I am acne-prone, so I just like to ensure that no pores are clogged. Since this is for my face, I will likely use a wash with AHAs. I will attach some of my favorites here:

BODY: You can bet that if I don’t cleanse my body skin properly, I will have some sort of breakout on my back. Just as you do with your face, you need to cleanse your skin thoroughly to remove sweat and bacteria. For this job, I am obsessed with The Perfector Salicylic Body Wash by Naturium (I can’t even tell you what bottle number of this I am on. You can use the code “AMYK15” for 15% off. I personally find salicylic acid a bit intense for my facial skin (it’s really preferable for oily types), but this formula works great for my body. Salicylic acid is oil-soluble, allowing it to penetrate deeper into pores to dissolve dead skin cells and sebum, preventing and addressing blemishes. I make sure to leave the wash on my skin for a minimum of 60 seconds before washing it off (to make sure it has time to work its magic)! 

Skincare Routine Based on the Time of Day

I feel like it’s important to note that how I follow up with skincare is very dependent on what time of day I am working out! I am typically an early morning fitness girl, so post cleanse, I will go in with my typical morning skin routine. Here is what it generally looks like:

However, if I work out in the afternoon, my post-gym routine (after a thorough cleansing) is usually just reapplying the moisturizer I used that morning. As always, I have been loving Alpyn Beauty’s Ghostberry Moisturizer. Then I will just finish it with a tinted SPF like ISDIN

As for evening (tbh you will rarely catch me in a PM workout, but I know some people love it, so I wanted to include it), I would do a version of my typical evening routine. I would probably skip the active cleanser and do a classic double cleanse instead. From here, I could EITHER do an exfoliating serum (the Lactic Acid Serum from Shani Darden is so good) or I will just use my retinoid of choice (in my Skincare combos I love & don’t love blog. Finally, I love to finish with a moisturizer rich in ceramides like the one I mentioned from Alpyn

General Skincare Tips For Workouts:

Ok I know this doesn’t necessarily fall under the “post workout skincare tips,” but I feel like this blog wouldn’t be complete without including a couple extra tips to keep your skin glowing! Side note: I can also do an entire blog on my routine before a workout, just comment below!

  • Avoid Makeup During Workouts: Probably obvious, but I really don’t suggest wearing makeup during a workout. By wearing foundation and other layers, you are only increasing your chances of breaking out. If you are already wearing makeup when you arrive to the gym or your class, you can use Micellar Water to remove it!

  • Sun Protection: On the flip side, don’t forget to apply your SPF before. Even if you are taking a 7am class and the sun is barely out, it’s not worth the risk. If I am doing an early morning workout, this is the only thing I will apply before the workout and be on my way. 

  • Fuel Properly: If you heard my podcast episode with Lily Nichols, you will know the critical role diet and regulating blood sugar has on everything! Be mindful of what you are consuming before and after your workout.

I hope these tips help you with your workout routines going forward! Again, if you want any more detail on my skin or nutrition routine before a workout, comment below :) 

Hungry for more? Check out my Comprehensive Skincare Guide in the Skinthusiast Shop!

**Disclaimer: This post does not constitute medical advice. Please speak to your Dermatology provider before adding any at home procedures or products into your routine!

***This post contains affiliate links.***

xx Amy


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